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be withdrawn at any time by contacting us . Our Privacy Notice sets out in further detail the categories of your personal data which we may process and our legal basis for processing it . We may process your personal data , which is either sensitive personal data or special category personal data where you have given explicit consent to the processing of such personal data for one or more specified purposes . Our Privacy Notice sets out in further detail the special categories of personal data which we may process and our legal basis for processing it . Where we use data processors we shall ensure that we enter into contracts with such data processors which are compliant with the Data Protection Legislation .

16 . SPECIAL REQUESTS Any special requests must be advised to us at the time of booking e . g . diet , room location , a particular facility at a hotel etc . You should then confirm your requests in writing . Whilst every effort will be made by us to try and arrange your reasonable special requests , we cannot guarantee that they will be fulfilled . The fact that a special request has been noted on your confirmation invoice or any other documentation or that it has been passed on to the supplier is not confirmation that the request will be met . Failure to meet any special request will not be a breach of contract on our part unless the request has been specifically confirmed by us . We do not accept bookings that are conditional upon any special request being met .

17 . ADVANCE PASSENGER INFORMATION A number of Governments are introducing new requirements for air carriers to provide personal information about all travellers on their aircraft to the Authorities before the aircraft leaves the UK . The data will be collected either at the airport when you check in or in some circumstances when , or after you make your booking . Accordingly , you are advised to allow extra time to check in for your flight . Where we collect this data , we will treat it in accordance with our privacy policy .

18 . PASSPORT , VISA AND HEALTH REQUIREMENTS Your specific passport and visa requirements , and other immigration requirements ( and any associated costs ) are your responsibility and you should confirm these with the relevant Embassies and / or Consulates . We do not accept any responsibility if you cannot travel because you have not complied with any passport , visa or immigration requirements . It is the responsibility of the party leader to ensure you are aware of all recommended vaccinations and health precautions in good time before departure and these recommendations are subject to change at any time . Details are available from your GP surgery and from the National Travel Health Network and Centre www . nathnac . org Information on health abroad is also available on www . nhs . uk / Livewell / Travelhealth . uk We are not a specialist disabled holiday company , but we will do our utmost to cater for any special requirements you may have . If you or any member of your party has any medical problem or disability which may affect your booking , please provide us with full details before you make your booking so that we can try to advise you as to the suitability of your chosen arrangements . We may require you to produce a doctor ’ s certificate certifying that you are fit to participate . Acting reasonably , if we are unable to properly accommodate the needs of the person ( s ) concerned , we will not confirm your booking or if you did not give us full details at the time of booking , we will cancel it and impose applicable cancellation charges when we become aware of these details . You are advised most strongly to consult the Foreign , Commonwealth and Development Office before booking your holiday and to check regularly its updated travel information including visa , health and security details , on its website www . gov . uk / foreign-traveladvice

19 . TRAVEL INSURANCE It is your responsibility to ensure that you are adequately insured and it is a condition of booking with us that you have insurance adequate to your needs , which covers the entire cost of the booking and includes cover for , among others , personal injury , death , medical and repatriation costs for the countries you intend to visit , loss of baggage and valuables , personal liability , delay , cancellation , curtailment , missed departure , travel disruption , and assistance abroad . If you choose to travel without adequate insurance cover , we will not be liable for any losses howsoever arising , in respect of which insurance cover would otherwise have been available . We reserve the right to view a copy of your insurance policy at any time .