Sri Lanka Sri Lanka | Page 38


Sri Lanka is endowed with an amazing diversity of plant and animal species within a relatively small land area and is considered to be one of the world ’ s biodiversity hotspots . With its wet , temperate and dry zones and varied landscapes , this creates a fascinating concoction for a nature and wildlife holiday where elephants , monkeys and the elusive leopard freely roam .
There are 29 specific ecosystems accessible from all across Sri Lanka . Tropical rainforests and plantations populate the south-west , temperate mountains sit at its core ( with the highest density of waterfalls in the world ), and arid plains occupy the north and east . The unique vegetation and rich biodiversity allows for more than 3,000 species of flowering plants and a host of medicinal plants used in Ayurvedic health care to flourish .
The island ’ s central mountains are topped with cloud forests that harbour unique animals such as the dwarf lizard . The rainforests of the south-west support most of the island ’ s indigenous plant and bird species . Sri Lanka provides a habitat for five species of endangered marine turtles , around 100 species of waterfowl , and many other migrant birds . It is one of the best places in the world for seeing large mammals in their natural habitats , particularly the wild Asian elephant , and has the highest concentration of leopards in the world . Off-shore , sperm whales , blue whales and orca can be spotted .
WILDLIFE OVERVIEW Elephants Sri Lanka is home to nearly 10 % ( around 2,500 ) of the world ’ s remaining elephant population . Herds of Asian elephants still roam wild across the plains and foothills and the jungle provides them with cover and food to satisfy their enormous appetites . Uda Walawe and Minneriya National Parks are famous for their herds of wild elephants . The ‘ Elephant Gathering ’ is an awesome scene in the dry season as hundreds of elephants gather to drink the water at Minneriya tank . There are two large Elephant ‘ homes ’ at Pinnawela near Kandy and at Uda Walawe in the south , where abandoned and injured elephants are cared for in captivity . Visitors can watch the elephants at feeding time and , at Pinnawela , you can watch them bathing in the river .
Leopards Sri Lanka has one of the highest densities of leopard anywhere in the world . The Sri Lankan leopard is probably the largest of the eight known sub-species of leopard . Nearly half of them are believed to live in Yala National Park , where there is plenty for the island ’ s top predator to feed on . The open nature of the park ’ s terrain allows for fine , though rare , leopard watching , usually as a leopard suns itself on a warm boulder . The best chance of spotting the elusive leopard is in the early morning or at dusk .
Birds Where you find the birds in Sri Lanka is largely determined by the different climatic zones . Most of the 33 endemic bird species inhabit the wet and the hill zones , especially in the south-west rainforests . Sinharaja rainforest is famous for its ‘ birdwaves ’. The dry zone , with its lagoons and reservoirs , attracts millions of migratory birds . Endemic species include the Ceylon rufous babbler , ashy-headed laughing thrush , red-faced malkoha , and Legge ’ s flowerpecker .
Whales and Dolphins Sri Lanka sits in an International Whaling Commission protected zone , making it an outstanding place for seeing blue whales , sperm whales , and a variety of dolphins , particularly off the south and north-west coasts ( Kalpitiya ). We can organise a whale-watching boat trip from the port of Mirissa , between the months of December and April ( being historically the best month for sightings ) or from Trincomalee from May to August . During the migration , blue whales are seen relatively close to shore . Even sperm whales sometimes come within a few miles offshore . You may also spot pods of spinner dolphins , spotted dolphins and Fraser dolphins . Casa Colombo Mirissa is the nearest in our selection to Mirissa . The Fortress , Kahanda Kanda , and the hotels in Thalpe and Galle are all within an hour ’ s drive away .
Sea Turtles Nesting each year along the west and south coasts are the green turtle , leatherback , hawksbill , loggerhead , and the Olive Ridley . The Wildlife Department of Sri Lanka has launched a public awareness programme to save the marine turtle from extinction . Adult females are believed to return to the beach on which they hatched to lay their eggs . Up to 120 eggs are laid in each nest , possibly up to five times per season . When they hatch , the young turtles make their way straight to sea in a ‘ juvenile frenzy ’ that allows the hatchlings to escape the predator rich inshore waters . It is thought that only one out of every 1,000 eggs yields a mature adult turtle . The Kosgoda Turtle Hatchery is operated by the Wildlife Protection Society of Sri Lanka and gives people the chance to observe these fascinating creatures close up . The baby turtles are reared until they are old enough to be released into the sea . At Rekawa there is a conservation project to preserve and protect the nesting site . The best time for beach sightings is between January and April , especially at full moon . Turtles can be seen visiting the south west and south east beaches in Bentota , Induruwa , Thalpe , Rekawa , Bundala and Yala . They should only be viewed at night and from a distance with binoculars . Nesting turtles should not be disturbed and lights should not be used .
NATURALISTS AT THE HOTELS Many properties offer guided nature walks and naturebased activities , the hotels in the Cultural Triangle in particular . The Jetwing hotels , Heritance hotels , Ulagalla Resort and Ceylon Tea Trails each have a resident naturalist who organises guided walks and accompanies guests on nature tours . Other nature tours can be arranged to the nearby rainforest reserves , or boat trips along the river to view river life and mangrove swamps .
Sri Lankan Leopard
Little green bee-eater