Sri Lanka Sri Lanka | Page 41

attracted to the Kanneliya-Dediyagala-Nakiyadeniya Biosphere Reserve which has been identified as one of the most floristically rich in South Asia . Visits Best to visit in the early morning . Stay on the walking paths and always go accompanied . Be aware of leeches . Climate Hot ( around 27C ), humid ; frequent rainfall . Stay at All of these nature reserves are easily visited from Galle , Thalpe , Koggala , and Weligama .
RIVERS , LAGOONS AND WETLANDS OF THE SOUTH-WEST Koggala Lake The tranquil waters are dotted with rocky islands , fringed by mangroves and scented by aromatic cinnamon plantations . The lake is famous for its freshwater prawns and crabs , and exotic lowland birds . Boats trips are available in traditional fishing catamarans . Stay at Kahanda Kanda or TRI , overlooking Koggala Lake .
Madu Ganga Wetlands Before the Madu Ganga River enters the sea , it opens out into a wide river lagoon with 15 islands . The wetlands are home to pristine mangrove forests and over 300 plant species and 245 animal species . Explore by boat , revealing flora and fauna , little islands , small villages , prawn farms , and sand mines . Stay at Stay in one of our Balapitya hotels , such as Calamansi Cove .
BRIEF AND LUNUGANGA LANDSCAPED GARDENS These two gardens make for pleasant nature excursions in the Bentota-Beruwela area , around 15km inland . At Brief Garden , created by Bevis Bawa , you can stroll around walled gardens , bamboo hedges , bowers , lawns , sculptures , and a Japanese garden . At Lunuganga , Geoffrey Bawa ’ s estate , there are water gardens , giant bamboo , lily ponds , rice paddies , lakeside cashew and ficus trees , and the remains of cinnamon and rubber plantations . Climate In the wet tropical zone , daytime temperatures can reach 32C . Stay at Lunuganga or hotels in the Bentota-Beruwela area .
SOUTH-EAST DRY ZONE Bundala National Park Bundala National Park is a mix of scrubland , lagoons , salt pans , and sand dunes stretching along the coast , great for bird-watching ( nearly 200 reported species ). Endemic birds include the brown-capped babbler , Ceylon woodshrike , and Ceylon junglefowl . From November to April , large numbers migrate , such as gold and Kentish plover , curlew sandpiper , and greenshank . Greater flamingos and peacocks are also seen . Mammals include elephant , spotted deer , Hanuman langur , black-naped hare , and wild pig . Turtles nest on the beaches . Visits Visit Bundala National Park by jeep . Location Bordering the south-east coast near Yala . Stay at Cinnamon Wild , a Yala hotel , or in Tangalle .
YALA NATIONAL PARK Yala National Park offers the best chance to see leopards in the wild . The lack of other large carnivores means that the leopard is the top predator , so adults and cubs can be remarkably relaxed during the day . Yala is also the best place in Asia for sighting the shy and usually nocturnal sloth bear . Over 250 elephants roam wild in the park , including large tuskers . You may also see spotted deer , sambhur , wild boar , jackal , Hanuman langur and toque monkey , stripe-necked , brown and ruddy mongoose , black-naped hare , several species of civet , and the mugger crocodile . Three species of sea turtle are known to nest on the beaches . Yala has a spectrum of habitats from scrub jungle , lakes , and riverine , to brackish lagoons and mangrove swamps . Endemic birds include the Ceylon junglefowl , Ceylon woodshrike , and Ceylon swallow . A day ' s birding in the park , during the northern winter , can yield 100 species . Around February , the park is also good for butterflies . Visits Visited by jeep , usually in the cooler early mornings and late afternoons . The park normally closes to visitors between 1 September and 15 October . Location In the south-east corner of Sri Lanka , 300km from Colombo , 180km from Nuwara Eliya and Galle . Climate With daytime temperatures of around 30C , this is a dry heat , with little rainfall for most of the year . The hottest months are usually between June and September , the coolest January and April . Stay at The best place to stay is Noel Rodrigo ’ s Leopard Safaris near the park entrance . The luxurious Amanwella , by the beach near Tangalle , is 1.5 to 2 hours drive away .
UDA WALAWE NATIONAL PARK At Uda Walawe you are virtually guaranteed to see elephants in the wild . The elephant population is estimated at around 400 and it is sometimes possible to see 50-60 elephants during a visit . The terrain is mostly flat , hot , dry with some wooded areas , bordering a reservoir and two rivers . The watering holes are magnets for wildlife searching for water in the dry terrain . Wild boar and water buffalo , toque monkeys , Hanuman langur , spotted deer , black-naped hare , marsh crocodile , monitor lizard , ruddy mongoose , and sambhur are likely to be seen . Leopards are present but rarely seen .
This area is good for bird-watching , as it is home to the little green bee-eater , Malabar pied hornbill , Ceylon swallow , and blue-faced malkoha . There is also an Elephant Transit Home near the entrance to the park supported by WWF , where you can see young elephants up to 5 years old roaming free in a large field , and flocking into the feeding enclosure for meal times ( 3 or 4 times a day ). Visits Visit Uda Walawe National Park by jeep , best in the early mornings and late afternoons . Location Interior of southern Sri Lanka , 50km from the coast , 3.5 hours from Galle , 4.5 hours from Nuwara Eliya , and 6 hours from Colombo / international airport . Climate Hot , average 29C , and usually dry . Where to stay The best option is to stay one or two nights in a luxury tented camp close to the park , set up especially for you . Alternatively , take a day excursion to Uda Walawe whilst staying at Amanwella near Tangalle on the south coast ( 1.5 hours drive ), or Weligama / Koggala / Galle ( 3-4 hours drive ).
Sri Lankan butterfly
Male Chital deer
Crocodile in Yala National Park
Indian Ocean marine life