Sri Lanka Sri Lanka | Page 136


This is practical information and often obvious , but it is important that you read it and are comfortable with all the details . It combines straightforward facts and figures with extra hints we think you should have .
COUNTRY DETAILS Geography and climate Coastal plains around the southern half of Sri Lanka rise gently up towards the foothills of a mountainous central region , whereas the northern part of Sri Lanka is largely flat , interspersed with solitary hills protruding above the plains . The west and south coasts are bordered by lush vegetation with numerous rivers flowing from the central hills . East of Tangalle in the south-east , and lining the east coast , the terrain is much drier with scrub jungle and rice cultivation with the help of irrigation systems . Tea plantations and market gardens now dominate the dramatic slopes of the cooler southern central highlands , though natural habitats survive in areas such as the Sri Pada Wilderness area and on Horton Plains , whilst tropical vegetation abounds at lower elevation in the Kandy hills . The dry climatic zone covers more than half of the area of the island ( in the north and east / southeast ), with a prolonged dry and hot period and only one monsoon ( the northeast monsoon from October to January ). The wet zone , with two monsoons , is in the south-western quarter of the island , where the few remaining rainforests are found and humidity is high . The central hill zone rises to over 2450 m ( 8-10,000 ft ) and has a cooler temperate climate . The climate varies between coast and mountain , and between the south-west and the north-east according to the time of the year because of the two monsoon seasons . The average temperature on the west and south coastal areas is about 30 degrees and typically tropical . For the popular beach destinations of the south-west , January and February are the driest months , and May to June are the wettest months , when the south-west monsoon brings wind , rough seas and rain . The hill areas are much cooler and resemble the temperatures of a pleasant English late spring or early summer . Houses here are built with fireplaces and even hot water bottles are placed in the hotel beds . Kandy enjoys a warm , temperate climate with tropical outbursts of rain possible at most times of year . The north central province ( Cultural Triangle area ), the north and the National Parks in the south-east are in very hot ‘ dry zones ’ where temperatures regularly go above 30 degrees Celsius and there is little rainfall for most of the year . There are also inter-monsoonal showers and micro-climates depending on where you are , and with unpredictable weather patterns in recent years , visitors should be prepared for some rain at any time of year – this is the tropics , after all !
In amongst nature and wildlife Sri Lanka is one of the world ’ s biodiversity hotspots and is endowed with an amazing variety of landscapes , nature and wildlife , extraordinary considering the size and population density of the island . Buddhists endeavour to respect and preserve nature , so animals are encouraged to roam freely and even insects are counted as important living creatures . Amidst this profusion of wildlife and vegetation , you may encounter the likes of scorpions , aggressive monkeys , and stray dogs at some point on your holiday , not to mention some fascinating creepy-crawlies . As in all tropical countries , mosquitoes are present , and are more prevalent in hot and humid locations . Leeches are common in rainforests and wet vegetation , especially after rain .
What to wear Take light clothing . Be sure to have some long-sleeved tops and long trousers or skirts ( for evenings and visits to temples ). Sarongs are useful and can be bought in Sri Lanka . It is advisable to have a sweater and warmer clothing in the Hill Country .
Religious beliefs Sri Lankans are mainly Buddhist ( 70 %) although all religions and religious holidays are respected . There are Buddhist temples , Hindu Kovils , mosques and churches all over Sri Lanka , and everyone seems to celebrate each other ’ s religious holidays as well as their own . When visiting temples , shoes must be removed and you should have your legs and shoulders covered , so long trousers or long skirts are advised .
Holidays Saturdays and Sundays and every Full Moon Day ( called Poya Day ). On Poya Days all public places of entertainment are closed and the selling of alcohol is prohibited , although hotels usually make special arrangements for their in-house guests .
Tipping Tipping is generally expected for many services throughout Sri Lanka . Around 10 per cent of the bill is sufficient . This does not apply to your hotel stay .
Transfers and tours in Sri Lanka For 1 person or 2 passengers travelling together , we will arrange a standard air-conditioned Japanese car . When 3 to 6 passengers are travelling together we will arrange a standard air-conditioned 6-seater Japanese van . An English-speaking chauffeur will accompany all transfers . Touring holidays will be accompanied by an English-speaking chauffeur guide . Vehicle upgrades to Mercedes Benz , Volvo , Montero or 4-wheel drive are also available ( maximum 2 passengers per vehicle ).
Sri Lankan air taxi The Sri Lankan air taxi service gives you a bird ’ s eye view of Sri Lanka from the air while significantly cutting down your travel time . Enjoy your destination without long road transfers ; particularly useful for beach holidays on the south coast .
Scheduled flights to Koggala on the south coast There are scheduled flights departing daily from Katunayake ( near Colombo International airport ) at 6.30 am and 2.30 pm to Bentota ( a 30-minute flight ) and then continuing to Koggala ( 20 minutes flight ) after a one-hour wait . Therefore the trip from Katunayake to Koggala takes nearly 2 hours altogether . The return flights leave Koggala at 9.00 am and 5.30 pm , arriving at Katunayake 30 minutes later . They do not stop at Bentota on the return journey . The Sri Lankan Air Taxi is operated by Sri Lankan Airlines using a 15-seater float plane . 27kg baggage allowance is permitted per passenger including hand luggage .
Private helicopter transfers Private helicopter transfers are available through Deccan Aviation , Sri Lanka ’ s civilian helicopter operator , using a 4-seater Bell 206 Jet Ranger . Alternatively , a smaller ( and cheaper ) 3-seater Robinson R44 helicopter may be available in the near future . The charter flights can be arranged between Colombo ’ s Bandaranaike international airport ( BIA ) and a range of destinations . Charters to / from domestic non-BIA destinations are possible , for instance from Anuradhapura in the Cultural Triangle to Tangalle in
the deep south , although you will also have to pay for the empty legs from / to Colombo . Prices are available upon request .
HOTELS Our descriptions The details provided in this brochure are to our knowledge correct at the time of going to press . Changes can and do take place in the course of the year . This can be before or after you book your holiday . However , changes can take place at very short notice , sometimes as a result of natural causes . It is our intention to provide you with the most comprehensive information possible , as and when we are advised of changes we do our best to advise you in turn .
Categories of hotels The hotels we feature in this brochure are of an extremely high standard . In many cases they are , by accepted international opinion , the very best in each country . However , plumbing , electrical fittings and door locks do vary from place to place and may not always be exactly what you ’ re used to . The room type descriptions eg Deluxe Suite etc are provided by the hotels themselves and are how they choose to describe their accommodation .
Minimum stays Many hotels have minimum stays over the Christmas and New Year period .
Hotel facilities All are correct at the time of going to press , according to information supplied by the hotels themselves . Seasonal closing times can change and certain facilities are subject to mechanical problems , changes in the weather or require cleaning and can therefore be withdrawn at short notice without notification to us . If we know in advance we do our best to advise you in turn .
Hotel swimming pools Pools do vary in size . Some can be quite small , often due to restrictions on the use of water . Also , they do not usually have lifeguards present and children are requested not to use them without an adult present . You should not dive into pools if you are unaware of their depth .
Hotel rooms These hotels have rooms with queen size , king size and twin beds . We can request for you , but cannot guarantee , a particular type of bed . Bathrooms vary from country to country . A few of the hotels in this brochure feature ‘ open ’ bathrooms , ie whilst being private , they do not have four walls and a ceiling but are open to the elements and it is not uncommon for lizards , beetles , cockroaches and other insects to be present . The vast majority of hotels and room types offered in this brochure have airconditioning , as described under each individual hotel description . If air-conditioning is not mentioned as a feature then there is none and usually just a ceiling fan .
Meals When breakfast is included , it is usually a full breakfast with a wide choice of cooked or cold foods . In some places it can be just a continental breakfast . Sometimes , if you want breakfast in your room it would be just a continental breakfast . Where dinner is included it is usually a fixed menu with choice that changes daily . At some hotels , dinner is a choice from the à la carte menu .
Vegetarian meals If you are a vegetarian you should advise us at the time of booking and we will advise the hotels accordingly .