Sri Lanka Sri Lanka | Page 137

Dress code The watchword is ‘ elegantly casual ’ for the evenings . Shorts , jeans and T-shirts are not allowed in the bar and restaurant areas of hotels in the evenings , after 6pm usually . Much of the dining at beach hotels is outside . Appropriate dress during the daytime should be worn when visiting places of religious worship in particular .
Hotel shops Some of the more luxurious hotels or the more resorttype hotels featured in this brochure have their own boutique selling a range of goods from holiday clothes , swimming costumes and hats to toiletries and suntan lotion .
Check-in and check-out Rooms will normally be ready for you by 3pm on the day of arrival and you will be required to check-out of your room by 11 am or midday . Hotels may have a room available where you can change if you have a late departure or they may let you keep your room until later in the day . It will depend on the hotel and their availability .
Credit cards Credit cards are widely accepted in the destinations featured in this brochure . To our knowledge all the hotels in this brochure accept credit cards . You will need cash for taxis , drinks and food when out and about . Small denominations of local currency is recommended .
Drinks at hotels Unless your hotel is operating on an all-inclusive basis ( as indicated on the hotel page by Full Board with drinks ) then you will receive coffee or tea and juice with breakfast as included in the price . All other drinks such as aperitifs , wine , beers etc during the day and with meals should be paid for directly to the hotel . Please bear in mind that the cost of drinks in a hotel reflects the category of the hotel - in a more expensive hotel the drinks will also be expensive comparatively .
Entertainment When entertainment is provided ( and most of the hotels do provide some entertainment at least once a week ) it tends to be low-key - perhaps light jazz or piano music . Some of the hotels do have night-clubs and discoteques , but these are kept quite apart from the main evening activities of the hotels .
Concierge facilities Most of the hotels featured in this brochure offer a wide range of services from bureau de change , to booking car hire , arranging excursions locally or making restaurant reservations for you .
Housekeeping Most of the hotels featured in this brochure provide you with towels for use by the pool or on the beach in addition to bathroom towels . You might want to take your own beach towels if you intend visiting other beaches or going out and about . Towels are usually changed twice a day . The majority of hotels operate an evening turn-down service .
Tipping Local taxes ( equivalent of VAT ) and a service charge are included in the room rates we pay on your behalf to the hotels . However , it is usual to give a small tip to drivers , porters and your chambermaid .
TRAVEL Longhaul flights We book flights as they exist at the time of booking your holiday . The exact flight numbers and times are confirmed to you in writing at this point . Sometimes scheduled airlines do change their timetables after you have booked . It can happen that the changes mean that the departure day and even the duration of your holiday can change . These changes are outside our control but we notify you as soon as we are made aware of any such changes and then rearrange your holiday for you .
Direct flights On long-haul journeys it is common for a flight to be billed as a direct flight even though it touches down en route . It is direct because you do not have to change aircraft but the overall journey time will be longer than if the aircraft did not stop .
Seat reservations Airlines reserve the right to change seat numbers without notifying us if they feel they need to for any reason . Therefore a seat number is not guaranteed as such but in most cases it will not change .
Names on flight tickets The name in your passport is the name that must appear on the flight ticket . ( We just need your surname , first name and title ). The names you provide us with at the initial time of taking your booking are the names that will appear on your ticket . You cannot change the name the reservation has been made in without incurring cancellation charges . The airlines are very strict about this and unfortunately they make the rules . ( This is particularly important for honeymoon clients ).
Local flights Please bear in mind that if you are travelling on a local flight the weight limit might only be 12 or 15 kilos , even if you have travelled in a premium cabin on the transatlantic flight , which would allow a greater baggage allowance . Please check the hotel descriptions .
GENERAL Health Healthcare in Sri Lanka is a combination of westernstyle allopathic and the more holistic Ayurveda systems . There are state-owned hospitals in provincial towns in all parts of the country that provide medical and surgical attention . The facilities are more basic outside Colombo . Colombo also has several private hospitals . Tap water is not suitable for drinking and bottled water is widely available . Mosquitoes are evident just about everywhere in Sri Lanka and are more prevalent in hot and humid locations where there is less wind . So , you are advised to use mosquito repellent , particularly at dusk and at night time , keep your bedroom windows and doors closed and keep the air conditioning or fan on when you are in the room . Where mosquitoes are evident , hotels also provide mosquito nets around the bed . Vaccinations / boosters for Tetanus , Typhoid , Polio and Hepatitis A are all recommended but are not obligatory . You need to check this with your doctor before booking . These regulations can change for all countries and regions within a country and we advise most strongly that you consult your doctor for up to date advice before you make your holiday booking . A leaflet is also available from the Department of Health called ‘ Health Advice to Travellers ’ or check their website . If you are suffering from any disability or illness , this should be communicated to us at the time of booking . Please note that pregnant passengers are not accepted by airlines usually after about 28 weeks into the pregnancy . You should check this with us before you make a booking . You are also advised to consult with your doctor about risks of DVT .
Government advice The UK government has an excellent website www . fco . gov . uk which you can access to obtain up-to-date information about worldwide destinations . This site gives details about trouble spots but also general advice about most countries . We advise most strongly that you visit the site to check notices about your intended destination before you book and travel .
Passports and visas A full British passport is required for travel to Sri Lanka . Nationals from many countries , including UK passport holders , do need a visa to visit Sri Lanka as a tourist . This can be obtained online from www . eta . gov . lk . You are required to hold a passport which is valid for at least six months after the date of travel , a confirmed air ticket and sufficient funds for your stay . We will advise you at the time of booking if this changes . Please bear in mind that it is your responsibility to ensure that your passport is valid and still has six months ’ validity before you book your holiday and it can take some time to obtain a new one . Infants and children also need a full passport .
Recommended guidebooks The Insight Guide to Sri Lanka is good for the cultural , historical and social background . The Rough Guide and Footprint guides to Sri Lanka offer an overview and detail , whilst The Lonely Planet Guide to Sri Lanka has the expected gritty down-to-earth details .
Insurance It is your own responsibility to ensure that you are adequately insured for your holiday . Please refer to our statement on insurance in our booking conditions . Insurance for the activities you choose to undertake during your holiday is also your own responsibility . Additional requirements are needed for scuba diving , such as a doctor ’ s certificate .
Mosquitoes etc Mosquitoes are a fact of life in tropical climates . Many hotels provide anti-mosquito sprays and repellents for your room . You can always take your own too ( with a UK / Continental / US adaptor ). In fact it is advisable to take your own anti-mosquito creams and lotions with you . Other insects ( large beetles , cockroaches etc ) are also common . Lizards often no more than six or nine inches in length will make themselves at home on walls , windows , patios etc and may enter your room even at the most luxurious hotels . We cannot prevent these creatures from entering your room and if you are too worried about the possibility then perhaps a holiday to the Tropics is not for you .
On arrival When you arrive you will have to go through passport control ( landing cards to be handed in are given out on the flight for you to complete prior to arrival ) and also customs . Baggage is searched regularly on entry .
Security and personal safety You should exercise sensible precautions wherever you are and take care not to leave valuables about and not to carry too much cash or valuables on your person ( hotel safes are available ). On some beaches you may be approached by people selling goods . If you ’ re not interested in buying , a polite and friendly ‘ No thanks ’ is all you need . You should pay attention to local advice and follow guidance given by your guide or staff when at safari lodges .
Representation The company we use to operate car transfers and